Donate / Volunteer


Our source of income is grants written by the clergy member and donations from individuals and businesses in the community.

We prefer cash, as we know what we need and can buy more through Feed My People with every dollar.

We also do things like having a booth at the Flambeau Rama craft fair, bag groceries, and in October we do a Radio-A-Thon to raise money.

Ways to Donate

Mail a check to:

The Lord’s Cupboard
P.O. Box 311
Park Falls, WI 54552


Drop off a check at the Forward Bank in Park Falls


Volunteers are what keep our pantry running. 
We have tax professionals that do our taxes, men and women who unload the trucks, box up groceries and stock shelves and volunteers who put the food in people’s vehicles. 
All together we have over 75 volunteers.
Please contact us if you would like to volunteer.